How did I end up here? Let me fill you in…

Welcome to a chapter of my life that intertwines my personal transformation with my professional evolution. My journey in direct sales began in 2019 with a wine company, a path that initially seemed fitting. However, as life unfolded, I embarked on a profound personal change, eventually choosing to live an alcohol-free life, both personally and professionally. This decision wasn't just about giving up alcohol; it was a pivotal moment that reshaped my perspective on life, health, and wellness.

A little over a year ago, I discovered Hugh & Grace quite serendipitously. It was a perfect match — not only did their products resonate with my values, but the community surrounding the brand was exactly what I was seeking in this new chapter of my life. Their focus on hormone-safe wellness products was in harmony with my journey toward deeper self-care at a time when my hormones were screaming for my attention - hello mid-40s!

Joining Hugh & Grace felt like coming home. Here was a community that embraced wellness, not just as a concept, but as a way of life. It was a seamless integration into my wellness journey, offering a space where self-care was not just encouraged but celebrated.

As I invite you to join this community, I do so not just as an advocate for hormone-safe wellness products, but as someone who has experienced firsthand the profound impact of aligning one’s professional and personal values. This is more than a business opportunity; it's a chance to be part of a supportive network that prioritizes health, well-being, and genuine care for each other. Join me on this journey of wellness and empowerment, and let's thrive together. 🤍

“Try to be like the sea turtle — at ease in your own shell.”