On Letting Go


Moving from a solid 30 years of drinking to sobriety didn’t happen overnight. And also, it did. Let me explain…

On April 13, 2023 — exactly 4 months ago today — I drank my last bottle of wine. In fact, I’m almost sure I drank two of them (that happened occasionally but wasn’t the norm). And I did NOT do so knowing they were my last.

It was just another Thursday night. But it could have been a Tuesday or a Sunday, it made no difference. By the time I had my last drink, I was consuming at least a bottle of wine daily. Aside from a special event, wine was all I drank (or cider). I never took to hard liquor, thankfully. There are no sordid tales to share. I wasn’t hiding my drinking. In fact, I was sharing about it daily, representing a wine company as an independent consultant.